Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On naming a blog

I thought I would start my own blog... a suppose a place to ruminate about life, theology, ministry, and random stuff that will make no difference and seem superfluous. Perhaps you may wonder if they are different? Well, yes and no but I will save that rant for another day.

I was trying to be creative and come up with a cool and catchy name for my blog. I think in a sense I dreamed that if I did that more people would read it... but who am I really trying to impress? I realize now I had a few rules for naming my blog:

1) Its title reflects its content and author, intentional or not. You know it's true and I don't even have to explain why.

2) It should be honest with itself. Please, don't let your blog's name be something of which you can't really do. I am shocked at how many young dudes on the internet seem to think they are the next John Calvin... please. I fancy myself a theologian but I doubt I can write the next "Institutes" with my little meanderings.

3) It should seek to grow into its title. Your name has some kind of eschatological reality in it, i.e. what you name is to an extent what it will become. This is how people name their kids. You try not to give your kid the same name as jerks you met or that are easy for people to make jokes with; but one that has meaning and character.

4) It should be kind of spiritual. For me, this means it should have an allusion to Scripture.

This is how my thought process went. Maybe I can do something like "living theology" but someone already did that who has been published. Dang... besides, its doesn't really get at number four. Then, I thought, I will use my favorite verse, Philippians 3:8 "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ" (ESV). My creative... more accurately... my dorky side came out when I thought I would use the Greek word for "rubbish" in the title, (skubalon, Greek for... ahem... crap or s**t. Seriously.). Unfortunately, a lot of other theologically disgruntled guys have already done it. Argh... there is nothing new under the sun.

So I came up with "its rubbish or Jesus" because that is what this is. I am not sure what I think of blogging yet. There is a lot of it that is garbage and there is some that is very good.

So here is my contribution to the endless works of humanity, so let my posts be a big pile of dung or by the grace of God may it be gaining Jesus Christ.


  1. Already thought provoking! Should "its" have an apostrophe? Or is the ambiguity intentional? Hmmmm.... (as I scratch my head and furrow my brow)

    I like the title and look forward to reading what you have to write!

  2. I totally see Paul scratching his head and furrowing his brow. Don't expect grammatical greatness, Paul. My husband is brilliant in many other ways. (And he said "dung"...hee hee)

  3. If you are referring to #1 then I believe the rule is "it's" is a contraction of "it is" and "its" is possessive so I believe my use is correct. It probably would have been best to use the word "the" instead of "its" for smoothness.

  4. The puzzling punctuation is actually in the title itself. You're correct about #1, and the title is ambiguous depending on what you intend to say. But that hardly matters, really.... I hope all is going well for you in CA!

  5. Oh... I got it now. That was too obvious. I suppose it doesn't really matter

  6. Chris - welcome to the blogosphere! I can't wait to stop by regularly! Whenever I see the header/title, I'll know what you mean! ;)


  7. i can totally see you saying, "rubbish or Jesus!" while throwing up what look to be gang signs ... and cass joining in.

    oh dear.

