Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Encounter with the Real Thor

I just came across a brief description in a book that reminded me about a real historical encounter with "Thor" of norse mythology.

Wynfrith of England, aka Boniface Apostle to the Germans (680-754), was a Christian missionary to Germanic tribes who at the time worshipped the pagan god Thor. Part of this was reverence for an ancient sacred oak dedicated to Thor. Boniface did was is often described as the rare tatic of a "power encounter" much like Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18. Before a large crowd of pagans he chopped down the mighty oak tree declaring Thor to be a false god and Jesus Christ to be the one true God. The tree crashed and broke into four pieces. The pagans were cursing him, but then were converted convinced Thor was as powerless as a fallen tree. His act was a clear gospel presentation of the validity of the Christian faith in terms his audience could clearly understand.

So as you go to enjoy the contemporary rendition of Thor based on the Marvel comic, remember Boniface, Missionary to the Germans who demonstrated it is in fact a myth.

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